
Potato (Solanum Tuberosum) – a one-year plant from FAM. Solanaceae. Originated from South America. In Europe it was transmitted in ⅹⅴⅰ c., And with us at the end of ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ. The world is grown at around 18,500,000 ha, in our country of 14,000 ha, with a total production of 190,000 t. It is grown due to the clubs, which are characterized by high energy value, with-hold dry matter (about 22%) in which there are: carbohydrate communal activities – economic activities related to satisfying the permanent (everyday) needs people in urban settlements . These activities include: editing, maintaining and cleaning the streets; City lighting, plumbing, city greenery, sewage, local traffic, hygienic services, cemetery, heating, markets, etc. Under the facilities of communal infrastructure include: construction objects, plant, devices, installations, publicly audit surfaces and other objects that serve to perform communal activity. The local self-government units for performing communal activities establish public enterprises or provide concessions and permits for performing communal activity. The Government of the Republic of Macedonia for infrastructure systems that have economic, technical and technological, functional and environmental significance for the state, basis Public enterprises for water supply systems (Studencica, Zletovica), sewage systems with water treatment plants (collector systems for protection of Ohrid, Prespa and Dojran Lake ), landfills for solid municipal waste, landfills for industrial hazardous and harmful substances, crematoriums, etc. TA, also developed communal activity, albeit slower dynamics in relation to other economic sectors. Greater rise communal activities registered in the period 1976-1985. When, as a result of the increased investment activity, a significant part of the facilities of the communal infrastructure in the country was built. Today in the Republic of Macedonia, most households (96%) have water supply, sewage and electricity, while the heating is available only by 15% of them (70% of households living in the Skopje region). The local road network, according to the 2005 data, is 8,566 km, of which under asphalt and cube are 3,622 km. Publicity-ski transport, organized as bus transportation of passengers, is represented in 11 city centers in the country. Storage of solid municipal waste is carried out by 40 landfills, which manage public municipal enterprises. Industrial waste does not interfere with communal and usually delay within the limits of industrial facilities. About 70% of the population is associated with municipal water supply systems (the rest is mainly rural population with local or with individual water supply systems), while only a few cities in state-enterprises for public hygiene, local roads and water supply and sewage after selected municipalities (2005 ) Municipality of enterprises Local water supply for public hygiene roads (km) / sewerage (km) Kumanovo 5 128 107 (19.5%), crude Prilep 3 263 140 Proteins (2%), Kocani 4 116 40 Cruel Cellulose Kavadarci 2 295 58Cropiri ( 0.7%), Mineral-Strumica 2 112 97 The matter (1%, Co., after, the IGU, 2 25 Skopje 5 537 689, and others, as well as vitamins (A, 1 B, B and C) . The potato is hot-Gostivar 3 99 44 12 Aprotection, optimal tempes-Debar 3 105 48 Handshairs for growth and for the formation of Ohrid 3 163 104 The clubs is 18-21S. In warmer-Bitola 5 141 191 TIs are grown for early, and Veles 2 132 58 In moderately warm and higher Gevgelija 2 65 48 Rays for late production. D. J. Stip 4 150 129

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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