Popov, Nikola (Belgrade, 28. ⅳ 1951) – Mash. Ing., Dr. of Technical Sciences, Senior Manager in the company “Atomic Energy of Canada” (Atomitz Economic Earda Limited, AECL), chief responsible manager of the IECL for security and obtaining licenses for the construction of nuclear power plants in Canada and a freelance professor At the postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Engineering Physics at the University of Macmaster (MSMAster Univ), Canada. It was an assistant professor at ETF in Skopje and a researcher at the Brookween National Laboratory Department (US) and the Whitechel Laboratory (AECL). AV-TOR / co-author of more than 150 papers in the field of nuclear thermal thermalaika and reliability of nuclear reactors. Lit.: “Newsletter of the University, St. Cyril and Methodius’-Skopje, no. 505, September 1988. Dr. R. Oliver B. Popov.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПОПОВ, Никола