Popov, Anton

Popov, Anton (villagemen, Petrichko, Pirin Macedonia, 23. ⅶ 1915 – Sofia, 20. 1942) – poet, storyteller, journalist, national Dean. He finished high school education in neurocrop (1933) and a few years taught at his homeland. In 1936 He enrolled in the state high school for finance and administrative sciences in Sofia. Worked as a professional journalist. One of the prominent activists of the national and anti-fascist movement. Member of the publicist circle “Nation and Culture” in Sofia. Foundatory and member of the Governing Core of the Macedonian Literary Charger (1938-1941). Love for the homeland Macedonia, its history and tradition, its freedom and future are a big topic in the overall literary and publicist work. Through his own patriotic struggle, he shows how the homeland is desired. Together with N. Vaptsarov is arrested and sentenced to death. In the letter before shooting wrote: “I’m dying for a new world, which will firep with so much light, with so much beauty, so my sacrifice for him is nothing. I’m dying proud of your father’s name. I’m dying proud of the name of his people, for the last moment I worked for the last moment, for Chi-the good future I die, “writes in the last letter in the garrison shooting. As a publicist, he is among the first the most old, and affirmed the constitution of the Macedonian national thought. His verses, short stories and reports were issued, issued poster. Part: selected works, SK., 1985; Selected verses, SK., 1991; Works, SK., 1994 and Dnevnik, SK., 1998. Lit.: Gane Todorovski, chapters of Macedonian literature, SK., 1985; Blaze Ristovski, portraits and processes, kn. 2, SK., 1989; Vasil Tocinovski, excitement after the word, SK., 2000. V. Tot. Blagoj Popov

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПОПОВ, Антон

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