Pop Stojan (Razlovci, OK. 1800 – Rilski Monastery, 1876) – Church and revolutionary Dian, one of the organizers and leaders of the reflection uprising (1876), closest contributor and grandfather of Dimitar Santargiev-Berovski. It takes care of organizing and procurement of weapons and participates in uprising fighting. Pop Stojan is remembered by the people as the main preparer, and therefore the uprising was called Poposovo. He finished his life in the Rila monastery – according to the writing of his son, he committed suicide, and according to D. P. Berovski, he was killed by the monastery guard. Lit.: Risto Podrovarov, liberation armed struggles of the Macedonian people in the period 1850-1878, Skopje, 1978, 253-265; Tanas Getjinovski, Macedonian historical traditions, Skopje, 1992, 190-195; Aleksandar Trajanovski, Dimitar Pop-Georgiev – Berovski (1840- 1907), Shtip, 1990. B. R.-J.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПОП СТОЈАН