Pop Antoski, Slavko (Prilep, 21. ⅺ 1913) – Regular prof. At the Agricultural and Forestry Faculty in Skopje, the teaching-scientific disciplines of general agriculture with agroecology and protection against erosion. He graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture in a white city. Participant is in the 1941 NOB. After the war he was assistant minister of agriculture and forestry of NRM; Member of the Federal Council of Yugoslavia for scientific work; Pro-rector of the University of Skopje; Member of ASNOM; People’s MP in the Parliament of NRM. After the establishment of the University “St. Cyril and Medodium “, elected Dean of the newly established agricultural and forestry faculty in Skopje. This function, together with the teaching-scientific collegium, has a very significant contribution to the establishment and development of higher education in agriculture and forestry and the development of scientific and research activities in the Republic of Macedonia. His scientific and research activities are aimed at studying and resolving a series of problems from agroecology and agrotechnics. In both areas there have been achieved results with durable values. R. L. Pop Georgiev, Dimitar
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПОП АНТОСКИ, Славко