Plevnes, Jordan

Plevnes, Jordan (village Sloeshenza, Demir Hisar, 29. ⅹ 1953) – Drama writer, poet, storyteller, diplomat, ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to France; Advisor to the President of the Republic of Macedonia (Since 2009). Worked at the Institute of Macedonian Literature (1985-1988). He taught creative writing at several European and American universities (Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and Civilizations in Paris, University of Texas at Dallas, Yel University and the University Orse in Paris). Member is the DPM since 1982. And the Macedonian Pen Center. Debate with the collection of poetry “Theory of the Venom” (1980). The Drama Letter of Plebons, which is closer to the manner of the expressionist (German) or avant-garde (Russian) dramaturgy, rather than the domestic Macedonian tradition, continuously produces more recent, more eleptic texts. His speech is not only reduced, fragmented, palimpses, but more often is encrypted in pictures. Part: Theory of poison (poetry, 1980), Erigon (Drama, 1982), MACEDONIA TZUSPENDE and Yugoslav antithesis (plays, 1987), R (Drama, 1987), BESSKI Dionysus (Study, 1989), Underground Republic, Burogen, Happiness is a new idea in Europe (plays, 1992-1998). Lit.: Miodrag Foreign, history of Macedonian literature ⅹⅹ century (1990), Jelena Lužina, Macedonian New Drama (1996); Jelena Lužina, theatrics (2000). C. M.-

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПЛЕВНЕШ, Јордан

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