Petjakova, Mara (village Cornishor, Enydvardar, Aegean part of Macedonia, 1912 – Duplex, 18. ⅱ 1944) – International Communist activist, Hero of People of Bulgaria. As an immigrant in Moscow (1934-1936) ended Lenin’s political school. He returned to Bulgaria and became a member of the BCP District Committee for Sofia. Several times it was interned in the camps of St. Kirik and Gunda Water (1941-1943). Escaped from the camp and left in partisans. It was killed in an armed struggle with the Bulgarian army and police as a fighter of the Assembly Partisan Squad. Lit.: Geroi of the anti-fascist fight, Rh. And (1923-1944), Sofia, 1966; Victory 1941-1944, “Yearbook of the museum of the revolóchion movement in Bílgaria,” Sofia, 1969; “Macedonian flag,” Sofia, 25. ⅹ 1946. V. Nd.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПЕТЉАКОВА, Мара