Pestani – village in Ohrid. It is located in the western foot of Mount Galicica, along the coast of Ohrid Lake, at an altitude of about 700 m. The regional road to the north is linked to Ohrid, and to the south with the monastery “St. Naum “and Pogradec in the Republic of Albania. It is an old village, which received the name according to the engagement of fishing. P. is inhabited by Macedonians, and their number in 2002 amounted to 1,326 h. Except with fisheries, a significant proportion of the population is also engaged in tourism. In the village there is an eight-year school and more trade shops, and a modern hotel complex has been erected in its southern part. Al. ST. Cave Puralo, with basins, stalactites and cave honeycomb
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПЕШТАНИ