Holy Mother of God Pesteko

Holy Mother of God Pestanska” – a cave church of twenty kilometers south of Ohrid, on the road for St. On-mind. Most authentic from all cave churches on the shores of the lake. The natural forms of the cave were used and adapted to cult needs with clear allocation of altar space and the nave. This allowed the walled church “St. Virgin Peshenic, “s. Pestani (ⅹⅳ c.) The docs to paint a more extensive program whose topic is identical to the program and thematic characteristics of the Ohrid painting from the second half of the ⅹⅳ century. In the altar there are remains of the service of the bishops, in the nave of the vault and the higher zones are compositions from the cycle of large holidays, and in the lowest zone of deisisite, St. Nicholas, the Holy Warriors-Martyrs in Patric Dresses, and on the southern wall as the supplies performances are painted St. Clement, St. Naum, Holy Doctors St. Kuzman and Damian and St. Panteleimon. The frescoes originate from the sixties of the ⅹⅳ century, and the painters that painted the frescoes, ten years later, also painted in Markov Monastery, near Skopje. Lit.: Vojislav J. ™ Uri ¢ Byzantzche Freske U Yugoslavians, Belgrade, 1974, 74; Tsvetan Grozdanov, Ohrid wall painting from the ⅹⅳ century, Ohrid, 1980, 147-148. S. C.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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