People’s Liberation Partisan Squad Dimitar Vlahov

People’s Liberation Partisan Squad “Dimitar Vlahov”. (The dummy of the village. Gabbovovnik, Veles, in the second half of September 1942 – Debarca, 18. ⅷ 1943) – Partisan unit of New and Pom. He was established within the performed reorganization of partisan units in Veles and Prilep of NOOP fighters “Pere Toshev” and newly arrived fighters. Acting after the troops and departments (tenths), committed shares and led struggle with the Bulgarian army and police, interrupted and accumulated PTT connections, destroyed the municipal archives, attacked police stations, disarmed the villages and formed the NOO in the villages of Bistrica, Bogomila, Power, Caska, DECOVA, SPREKI, CRESSOVO, Seli, Lisice, Katlanovo, Gorno Klijani, at the Clayman railway station (now Vasil Antevski), the mine for the village. Stephanie, etc. (September-November 1942). Also, in the village. Rlences disarmed the village controller (29. ⅺ), with the village. Papradiste was struggling with parts of the Veles counterpart (4 ⅹⅰⅰ), and the second company of the Destination was surrounded by the Bulgarian police in the village. A soldier and during the stab of the Tikvesh, there was impossible losses (17. ⅹⅰⅰ). Losses also had the fighting with the overpowering Bulgarian forces in the villages of Drequency and Zelenikovo and on PL. Lisec (December 1942). Due to the difficult conditions of action, the remaining fighters crossed into illegality. The individual groups made unsuccessful attempts to switch to the terrestroy of the second Chief of the National Liberation Partisan Squad “Dimitar Vlahov” (1942) NOT of Skopska Crna Gora. And in the spring of 1943 Part of the surviving fighters entered the composition of the Tikvesh NOO “Good Daskalov”, and other 15 fighters formed the same party group “Dimitar Vlahov” and acted in the area of ​​nitrogen, and then referred to Debarca (11. ⅷ 1943), where they entered In the composition of but the battalion “Mirce Acev” (18. ⅷ 1943). Since it was established in Veles, it is also known as Veles National Beisan Partisan Department “Dimitar Vlahov”, and since much of the fighters were from Prilep and Prilep, it is also known as Prilep People’s Liberation Department “Dimitar Vlahov”. Lit.: Ljuben Georgievski, some details of Mickko Kozar’s character and commander of the Veles Partisan Department “Dimitar Vlahov”, “Striving”, ⅷ, 6 and ⅸ, 1, Prilep, 1962 and 1963, 36 & 44 and 40 & 53; Stefan Pipipovski, weapons of the Veles Partisan Squad “Dimitar Vlahov”, “Museum Messenger” no. 3, Skopje, 1974, 141 & 145; Blagoja Boskoski-Dubacho, the establishment of the Prilep Partisan Department “Dimitar Vlahov” in 1942, Prilep and Prilep in New 1942, REC. First, Skopje, 1978, 287 & 304; Ilija Andreevski-Kagin, rallies held by the Partisan Squad “Dimitar Vlahov” in the summer and autumn of 1942, in the same place, 305 & 323; Blagoja Boskoski-Dabacho, the struggle of Mukos of the Second Chief of the Prilep Partisan Squad “Dimitar Vlahov” on September 14, 1942, in the same place, 325 & 338; Ilija Andreevski-Kagin, the battle of the second company of the Prilep Partisan Squad “Dimitar Vlahov” in October 1942, Prilep and Prilep in New 1944 – May 15, 1945, REC. Third, Skopje, 1985, 199 & 215; Once Meshkov, two meetings in the Democrat Vlahov, Tikvesh in New 1941 & 1945, kn. Seventh, Straso Pindzur & People’s Hero, Kavadarci & Negotino, 1985, 201 & 202. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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