Oasy, corners (SPHHEGIDAE) – Cipryl insects that dig nests in sand or in the ground, after which they received the name. Females hunt Polish flies, locusts, caterpillars, crickets and other insects, paralyze them and carry them alive in the Osalpa nest as food on the offspring. Recognizing species are: Babbibe Rostrait L., which hunts daily for their mucons; Sport Fumerius Gussak., For ble descendants hunting locusts; And the type ammocilla Saboulosa L., the descendants feed them with caterpillars. Lit.: Yonce Zungovski, Zeniter Beutrag Zur Kennthenas der BlatthetzenFaoua outside Mazedonien, Acta, Mus. Mac. SCI. Nat., Skopje, 1958, c (10/51) 163-176; The same, plant axes, SMPHS – Tepenshrendin (Insase-HPMENOPTER). Fauna of Macedonia ⅵ, Natural History Museum of Macedonia, Skopje 1985; Jonce Sapkarev, the zoology of invertebrate animals, Skopje, 1991. V. T. K.- M Cr. Osi, pitchers (Mutillida) – cipcrylic insects. After the appearance of the body they resemble the ants. Males have wings, and females have shortened wings or are impetive. Known type is the European excellent Osa (Musilla Europaa L.), which takes eggs in the nests of Bumbari. The performed larvae feed with Bumblelight larvae. Lit.: Jonce Sapkarev, Zoology of invertebrate animals, Skopje, 1991. Benzonik wasp. T. K.- M Cr.
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