Oasy, bursts (apototrite) – cipcrylic insects. Females have a doctor that serves to pass eggs or is converted into an oyillo. The oral apparatus is adapted mainly for sucking nectar. They are marked as parasitoids, due to their larvae that feed on the internal organs of the host in which the female passed the eggs. The larvae are black and without feet. The subordination covers a large number of families: OSHNESMONDIES), OSENPIDAUE), OSIODIDAUS (CHRDSIDIDAUE), pension ozi (Mutrylidae), Scolii (SCOOLIDE), OSIOPS (SPHHEGIDAE), Real axes (Vespidae), bees (apidence ), ants (formation). Lit.: Yonce Zungovski, Zeniter Beutrag Zur Kennthenas der BlatthetzenFaoua outside Mazedonien, Acta, Mus. Mac. SCI. Nat., Skopje, 1958, c (10/51) 163-176; Jonce Chingovski, plant axes, SMPHS – Teperdinida (Insase-HPMENOPTOR). Fauna of Macedonia, ⅵ, Natural History Museum of Macedonia, Skopje, 1985; Jonce Sapkarev, the zoology of invertebrate animals, Skopje, 1991. V. T. K.- M Cr.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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