Ops, plant

Ops, plant (SMPHS) – the most primitive cipcrylic insects. The stage of the larva is fed with sheets and other vegetable bodies and tissues, after which they received the name. This arrest is well investigated in Macedonia. These include: Axy wooden (siricida), whose larvae live in the trunks of the trees, plant OSA drilled distinctive corridors and inflict great damages; The most famous species is Syrege gigas L., and Osi listing), whose larvae live on the leaves of many plants and feed them. In Macedonia, 179 taxa ossa listings were identified, of which the type of TenthredoPSis Macendonica Congovski is endemic. Lit.: Yonce Zungovski, Zeniter Beutrag Zur Kennthenas der BlatthetzenFaoua outside Mazedonien, Acta, Mus. Mac. SCI. Nat., Skopje, 1958, c (10/51): 163-176; The same, plant axes, SMPHS – Teindhreddinida (Insase-HPMENOPTOR), Fauna of Macedonia, ⅵ, Natural History Museum of Macedonia, Skopje 1985; Group of authors, TSUNS Stade Fort Biodelysitis off the Republic of Macedonia (FIRST VATHAL REPORT). Ministry of Environment and PCSpining, Skopje, 2003. V. T. K.- M Cr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ОСИ, РАСТИТЕЛНИ

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