Nobility in Macedonia (ⅹⅳ-ⅹⅴⅰ c.) – After the Ottoman conquest, the old Christian noble class in Macedonia succeeded in a certain period to keep in cities. In ⅹⅴ c. In Skopje, the ruler lived, whose wife Milica in 1497 reblogged the Matka monastery. In 1466 The sources mention “Butirs in the place Kratovo”, and the principal families of biricaves and Pesica lived in the same place. Bolari as a social layer in which the most influential Christians existed in Ohrid in ⅹⅴ c. In April 1448 With a special Sultan order of Radinos, he was given to the enjoyment of the Church “Zechariah”, and the monastery “St. Nicholas” in the city of Strumica in 1573. As a family of Wakaf belonged to the priest good. Christians – Spahi, who represented the remainder of the old predesome military class, included in the weaker Macedonian nobility. They were included in the Ottoman military system and actively participated in the military campaigns of the empire. The number of these representatives of the old coarse and fine nobility in Macedonia over time gradually decreased and already at the end of ⅹⅴⅰ c. They disappeared completely. Lit.: A. Stojanovski, cities in Macedonia from the end of ⅹⅳ to ⅹⅴⅰⅰ century. Demographic studies, Skopje 1981; To the question of Christians Spahi in Macedonia, GIN, IV, 1-2, Skopje, 1960, 304-316; B. Cvetkova, Newste Danninge by Christianah-Spahyah of Balkan Peniot in Period of Turckogo Lords, “Byzantium Osnian woman”, ⅹⅰⅰⅰ, Moscow, 1958. Dr. F.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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