
Milica – the final of the renewed church “St. Virgin “(uterus) of r. Fever (Skopje), restored at the time of Skopje Metropolitan Atanasij (1496-1497). In the kitoral composition, Milica is painted along with the son of Nicholas. Lit.: S. Nikolovska, the codic of the monastery Matka, “Monuments for the medieval and recent history of Macedonia”, 1, Skopje, 1975; D. Suboti, the Ohrid Picture School of ⅹⅴ c., Ohrid, 1980; Z. Rasolkoska-Nikolovska, the Kettle portrait in the wall painting in Macedonia, the civilizations of the soil of Macedonia, 2, MANU, Skopje, 1995. Z. R.-

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МИЛИЦА

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