
Negush (nuisies) – a city in the Aegean part of Macedonia, in Greece. It is located on the eastern slopes of the Caracaman Mountain. From Thessaloniki is 90 km away. In history is known for the neutumn uprising of 1822. According to Kyanchev, at the beginning of ⅹⅹ c. In N. They lived a total of 6,100 h. Of these, 3,500 were Greeks, 1,500 Macedonians, 800 Turks and 300 Vlachs. After the Lausanovan Convention (1924), the ethnic situation in the city is significantly changed. Then the Turks moved to Turkey, and Neurush settled 1,863 Greeks of Asia Minor and Pond, but also a significant number of Macedonian and Vlach families from the surrounding villages. In later years in N. Several textile factories have been raised, so its population in 1930. It grew up to 10,000 h., in 1951 to 12,000, in 1971 to 17,400 and in 2000. At about 20,000. Apart from the developed textile industry, in the surroundings of the city, orchart is very widespread. N. is the center of the eponymous borough featuring 28 settlements. Lit.: Vasil Kínchov, Macedonia, Ethnography Statistics, Sofia, 1900. Al. ST.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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