Musa Keiceodia

Musa Cesider (Musa Arbanas) (Constantinople, the second half of ⅹⅳ c. – Constantinople, 1413) – Ottoman prince, epic hero with extraordinary strength and supernatural properties (with three hearts). He was the son of the Sultan Bajazid. In the fight of the brothers for the Ottoman throne (1409-1413) won Mehmed, who developed propaganda against him, calling him an executioner (Robber), causing a suitable character of Zulumkar in the Macedonian folk poetry, presented mainly as a suspension of the sultan and a road violent in The Kacemic Gorge. In the epic folk song, he shares Megdan with King Marko and in that struggle, “End Vardara, Demir Kapija”. Their duel is represented by one fresco in the church “St. The Virgin “in the village. Locica, Bitola. Lit.: Nedim Filipovic, Prince Musa and Shekh Vedendin, Sarayevo, 1971; Hero-folk songs. Choice and editorial office Dr. Kiril Penakliski, Skopje, 1968, 158-164; Aleksandar Matkovski, Resistance in Macedonia at the time of Turkish rule, ⅱ. Spiritual resistance, Skopje, 1983, 81, 84, 86 and 87. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МУСА КЕСЕЏИЈА

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