Molarov, Simeon c

Molarov, Simeon V. (Bansko, District, 15. ⅱ 1875 – Bansko, 7. 1923) – Participant in the Ilinden Uprising, Radovic district Vojsimeon Moleson Water. Graduated from a veterinary school in Sofia. He participated in the Millin Uprising (1895) and in the seizure of Miss Ellen Stone (1901). During 1902 He was Kocani Duke. In the Ilinden Uprising he participated in the rebellious headquarters. After the uprising, he was elected Radovis Duke (1904-1906), then for Skopje Duke (1906 -1908). He participated in the Balkan and World War I. Exhibit. And Lit.: NBWM-BIA, F. 583, OP. 2, A.e. 5, l. 325; Encyclopedia “Pirinski Kraÿ”, and Blagoevgrad, 1995. Al. TR.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МОЛЕРОВ, Симеон В

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