Galichnik Wedding

Galichnik Wedding -. Traditional annual folk manifestation in the village. Galichnik. In this village in the past, the weddings were made mainly on Petrovden (July 12) and rarely of great Virgin (August 28). For Petrovden, the migrant workers, even from the outermost countries were usually returned. The weddings lasted for a whole week. Collectors of Macedonian folk (1976). Full professor at the AR-Galichnik Wedding Omgs, travelorians and other actions (P. Gjinovski, V. Ikonomov, T. Smiljanic, Mr. Trajchev, L. and D. Jankovic, I. S. Hunstov, L. Cuba, etc.) They wrote rich folklore and ethnographic materials related to this event. Galichnik was the largest village in a small river, so they once happened after 50 weddings in a day, and the whistle of the zurles and battle of drums were heard even in Albania. A special impression left rich costumes, the zurlas, as well as the famous dances “,” Easy “,” Chamet “, etc. Since 1963 It has grown into a two-day cultural and tourist event where the rich wedding customs of the village are presented: welcoming the players, playing the “Macedonian Oro”, sweating at the wedding bayac, wearing the bride of water, sharing the dead, sharing the godfather, shaving the groom , On Strares, Watching, taking the bride, etc. The wedding ends with the wedding of young people in the cathedral “St. Peter and Paul”. In recent years, the married couple for the wedding is selected in a competition with strictly established rules. Lit.: People’s Iure, ⅳ Kreiga, Skupiel and describe Ljubica S. Yanksћ and Danica S. Jankova, Belgrade, 1948; Vera Klichkova – Milica Georgieva, wedding customs from the village of GalichnikDebar, “Messenger of the Ethnological Museum”, 2, Skopje, 1965. M. Keith.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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