Menchov, Boro Iliev (Kumanovo, 6. He was a prominent syndicalist and head of the strike at Berber workers in Kumanovo (1936). Then he went to work in Kragujevac (Serbia, 1936-1938). He was treated in the sanatorium in Kassin Dol (January-February 1940), and then became a member of the CPY (1940). After the occupation of Macedonia, it was one of Boro Menkov organizers of the NOB in Kumanovo and commander of the Karadan NOO (1941). He died in conflict with the Bulgarian army and police. It is proclaimed for the folk hero of Yugoslavia (30. ⅹⅰⅰ 1951). Lit.: Vlado Maleski, Gjurgjina Alova, ⅱ edition, Skopje, April 1953, 5-18; Vidoe Podgorets, Menkov Ilija Borko (19191941), folk heroes from Macedonia, Skopje, 1973, 216-221; Menkov Ilija Borko (1919-1941), a young fighter, JJdia, 18, Skopje, June 1975, 17; Branko Krkelieђ, Borac vs. Svich Nebedljljah, six decade of Ro-Rojnju Hareno Bore Minkova and the Thousands of Osam from Zgove Power, “Politics”, Belgrade, 26. ⅹⅰⅰ 1979, 11; Dejan Aleksic, a bright example of a consistent fighter and communist (1-3), “Our newspaper”, ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ, 695, Skopje, 4; Red Carpilals, “Communist”, Skopje, 25. ⅸ 1981, 21; The Memorial Bust of the Hero. On the day of artillery units in the barracks “Boro Menkov”, “Our newspaper”, ⅹⅹ, 787, Skopje, 13. ⅺ 1981, 1; Dr. Simo Mladenovski, the People’s Hero Boro Mankov, “Swlon”, ⅷ, 21-22, Kumanovo, 1981, 104-132; D. P., We gave or freedom to election. Talk with Pero Menkov, “Communist”, Jl, 1334, Skopje, 8. ⅹ 1982, 16; Dr. Zivko Lazarevski, Boro Menkov, Belgrade, 1983, 1-61. S. Ml. William Mervin.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МЕНКОВ, Боро Илиев