Measures and means of suppressing harmful forest insects

Measures and means of suppressing harmful forest insects – From the aspect of protection of forests, they are divided into preventive and repressive. The preventive prevents the appearance or spread of harmful insects, and repressive is suppressed when they are already present and are able to expand and cause greater damage in the forest. The methods used in both cases can be grouped into the following categories of measures: pre-protection, physical, mechanical, biological, genetic, chemical and integral. The first includes all forest standards. The latter are applied when the disability is present on a relatively small surface, and is used: mechanical strength, fire, high temperature, natural or artificial light, radioisotopes or electric current. Natural enemies use natural enemies, such as some useful species of mammals and birds, insect parasites, predators and other arthropods, as well as certain types of pathogenic microorganisms. Genetic methods for suppressing harmful forest insects comprise the creation and reproduction of their poor vital or infertile breeds. Home measures are used toxic chemicals that may reject insects (repellents) and which kill (insecticides). Integral are most modern and represent a combination of all previous measures. Airplication or airline (airlineaction) is recommended only in cases when suppressing those harmful types of insects that multiply through gradation and cause major damage with its expansion of large forest surfaces. ST. N.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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