Environmental protection in Macedonia

Environmental protection in Macedonia. Economic development, urbanization, chemismation in agriculture caused intense environmental pollution processes. Urbanization caused an enormous growth of solid communal waste, which are necessary landfill spaces for its storage. The use of mineral fertilizers and assets for agriculture create serious problems both in terms of the quality of groundwater and in terms of the quality of foodstuffs. Failure to disregard spatial planning and in urbanism causes strong processes of reducing agricultural areas, and the absence of wastewater treatment and gas purification systems creates serious problems not only on human health, but also for the survival of living organisms. The Association of Environmentalists of Macedonia pointed to these problems in 1970., and after the independence of our country, environmental companies, through DEM, actualizing the problems related to the quality of the environment in certain regions of Macedonia, were included after the independence of our country. What is the intensity of anthropogenic pressure on the environment showing the following example: from the use of liquid fuels in the traffic in Skopje, over 200 meters of air pollutants from which most with, with, 22 smoke and many other gases. Environmental endangerment in contemporary economic literature is treated as negative external and typical to-ment on market failure (c. Market failure). In modern market economies, there are several approaches to government regulation of environmental threat: direct government control of harmful substances that enterprises can eject in the environment; taxes for discharge harmful substances (as a kind of internalization of negative externalities); Criminal liability for pollutants and private approaches (the so-called. provoe theorem). The start of the transition process temporarily established the problem of endangering the environment on the margins of scientific interest. The low level of development of the Macedonian economy, the high internal and external deficit, the imbalance of the relation of labor, structural distortions, and others, were only part of the problems that in this period seemed more acute. However, the presence of a “critical mass of environmental pollution has given the key feedback, which does not allow its full ephemeral, so today the resolution of this problem is seen as a significant precondition for Macedonia’s future development. There is a need for environmental profiling of the future development of the country. Conventional macroeconomic policy in Macedonia in the transition period is upright before many serious problems. The transition to a market economy required changing its previous postulates, ie accepting and respecting the market principles and the business autonomy of the economic entity. In such conditions, the question was asked: As in which the context to accommodate the necessary environmental orientation. In the case of the Republic of Macedonia and its institutionalized orientation towards the EU, the dilemma was like economic agents, which have not yet felt such signals, to indicate it. The only solution was to encourage such activities that will mean internalization of environmental costs and risks, ie access to taking such costs by targeted economic entities with their own solutions. Some of these preconditions were contained in the two National Environmental Action Plan, the first promoted in 1997, and the second in 2005. Prepared as a result of the cooperation between the Government and the World Bank, ie the EU, they identified the basic framework of the priority problems and pointed their alternative solutions, starting from the principles of efficiency and economy. The legal grounds of environmental protection in Macedonia have a constitutional substrate. The Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia has established the right of every person to enjoy the besties of a healthy environment, but at the same time it is obliged to promote and protect the environment and nature, for which the state should create conditions. It is of particular importance that the freedom of market and entrepreneurship can be limited only in conditions when it imposes the security of the state, as well as the preservation and promotion of nature, environmental and human health. Starting from such basic constitutional determinations, in December 1996, the Parliament with consensus adopted the Law on Protection and Promotion of the Environment and Nature, popularly called “Eco-Constitution”. This law was fully revised and complemented 2005, by adopting the new Law on Environment. The adoption of such legislation was a response to the accidental situation from the previous period, when the legal framework for environmental protection was established with over 120 laws and by-laws. In practice, it created a series of problems of a confusing nature. The environmental protection policy and the relevant legislation in the Republic of Macedonia will inevitably be assessed through the prism of approximation and accession to the EU. In this context, the famous Acquahonuaire, which will harmonize not only legislation, but they will be transposed, implemented and implemented in practice. Internationally, the Republic of Macedonia has signed many significant international, regional and bilateral conventions and agreements. The state is a member of the Basel, on the Aarhus and the Vienna Convention for the Protection of Ozone Finding a true ratio between the commander and economic measures in the protection of the environment in the Republic of Macedonia involves precisely defined environmental standards, focused primarily on the main air pollutants and water resources. Therefore, it is quite understandable that this policy as it goes in front of them: sustainable development, the implementation of the polluter pays principle, integrating the protection policy in other sectoral policies, stimulating and realization of economic and technological development with a beneficial attitude towards the environment environment etc. L. Gr. IP. N.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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