Macedonian Revolutionary Committee in Petrograd

Macedonian Revolutionary Committee in Petrograd – Macedonian National Revolutionary Association, formed by the Macedonian patriots Dimitrija Chupovski, Dr. Gavril Constantinovich, Done Peshkovski, Gligor N. Ugrinovski, etc. On June 18 (July 1) 1917 In the central newspapers “Women Polloda” and “New Stipi”, the program for the Balkan Federal Democratic Republic was published with the Moto “The Balkans for the Balkan-first page of the Macedonian Revolutionary Committee in Petrograd (18. ⅵ 1917) the nations. Full self-determination of each nation “and triple signature: Macedonian Revolutionary Committee, Macedonian comrady” Cyril and Methodius “and the editing of” Macedonian стол “. After the October Revolution in Russia, JKK continues its business and aligns it with the new realities. The Federalist Concept of the Committee plays for the demolition of the monarchies in the Balkans and calls: “Now, when most of the Balkan Peninsula is in ruins, and the remains of its peoples are under hard Austro-German slavery, we Macedonians, suffered more than who, and to is another, we invite you all of you, Balkan peoples, forget past quarrels, to unite and join our Generally Balkan Revolutionary Program for a common persistent struggle and creating the Balkan Federal Republic. ” It is envisaged as equitable entities to enter: Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia and Thrace, with the official language of each separate Republic to be the language of the majority of the population, with Joint Parliament, with a federal government and equally represented council that replaces the federal republic. When (after the revolutionary events and migration in GRs) in 1923 D. Cupovski returns to Petrograd, restores Mrk and the next year makes a certain redefinition of the goal: “To fight for the release and unification of Macedonia, crushed as a result of the wars of 1912-1913 and 1914-1918. Between Serbs, Bulgarians and Greeks and the creation of an independent and overall Macedonian labor, which, together with other Balkan peoples, educate the Labor Balkan Federation. As an authority of the Committee, the renewal of the SP is foreseen. “Makedonskiÿ Golos” and is determined: “The center of the Macedonian revolutionary organization and the editorial office of, Macedonian Ognos’ are in Petrograd, and separate cells are educated in various places in Russia, subordinates to the center of the Macedonian Revolutionary Committee.” Little: Blaze Ristovski, Dimitrija Chupovski (1878-1940) and Macedonian scientific-literary comrades in Petrograd, ⅱ, 1978, 252-270; It, centuries of the Macedonian consciousness. Research on cultural-national development, Skopje, 2001, 486-530. Bl. R.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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