Macedonian literary circle in Sofia (MLK) (1936-1942) – The most significant Macedonian cultural and literary and national-political association between the two world wars and faithful follower and continuation of the work of the Macedonian scientific-literary comrades in S.-Petersburg. He appears historically and develops in three consecutive phases and in three organizational forms. First, at the initiative of Mitko Zafirovski, on August 5, 1936, after long preparations, in the editorial board of Sofia c. “Macedonian News” has been reported: “It is educated Macedonian literary circle. He has a goal to gradually organize Macedonian literary creators and encourage the wider creation of Macedonian culture. ” The activity of the circle is developing during the newspaper’s editorial office, where a special “literary page” is open. His program “will point out the best path for the spiritual progress of his people … The literary circle of our newspaper will already regularly write the literary page, print and order articles in the season for the ideological contest of our associates and artistic and technical improvement of our literature. ” It is announced and establishing a center from Macedonian intellectuals, artists and cultural and literary creators that already had formed and their sections in the individual areas. At that time (with participation and V. Chernodrinski) in Sofia, a Macedonian theater is formed (the jubilee performance of the “bloody Macedonian wedding” is created in a new lineup) and the activity of the spoken choir “Goce Delcev” begins. Efforts are being made to renew the National Reading “Birthday” of the Gevgelija Brotherhood, and a cultural and national activity is developed in the Travel Company “UPRAM”, while the Bansko tourist company “Eltipe” is evicted in Bansko with their manifestations. On the pages of “Macedonian News” again publishes Faximil on “Macedonianÿ Golosí (Macedonian voice)” with the map of Chupovski. In the continuation concept for the basics of the Macedonian literary circle in Sofia (1938) the cover page of the forbidden Jubilee Journal “Goce” (1938) The text of A. Dinev “Macedonian Slavs”, and on 8. ⅸ 1936, The Subscribed Listing is announced: “The book, Ilinden Epopea from Angel Dinev is given. The book reflects the magnificent struggle of the Macedonian people for freedom. ” After the number of 16. X 1936. The newspaper “Macedonian News” is forbidden and the editor is raised under a court procedure within the Grand trial against VMRO (OB) in Sofia. The Macedonian literary circle stops its public activity. The second (transitional) phase of MLK continues with the establishment of the semicolical Macedonian literary-publicic “nation and culture” acting for about a year (1937-1938). The main organizers are: Mitko Zafirovski, Anton Popov, Kosta Veselinov and Ivan Kereziev. Despite the great imaginations and attempts, from the activity of the circle remains the published calendar and the preserved corrective sample of the “jubilee establishment” under the title “Goce”, the official “edition of the cultural beneficial brotherhood, Goce Delcev” “in Sofia, printed in April-May 1938 On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of Delcev’s death. The drawing of Goce’s character is the work of the painter I. Keresiev, and the main creators of the newspaper were Anton Popov and Mitko Zafirovski. Under the texts in the ten pages (large format) there are signatures: Mitko Zafirovski (D. Danger and D Grigorov), Kosta Veselinov, Angel Dinev, Kiril Nikolov, Gjorgi Abadziev, Anton Velikov (Alexa White), IV. Keresiev, Getting. Stefanov, Peter Nestorov, P. Pencov, Petar Trajkov, IV. Tenev, Georgi Jibilov, bl. C. Ljapchev, Jordan D. Rizov, Stefan Nikolov, Pascal Nikolov, Pascal Nikolov, Pascal Nikolov, Pascal Nikolov, Stefan Nanov, Boris Stoitsov, Ivan Harizanov, Pavel Satev, Dimo Hadzydimov, P. K. Javorov, Todor Pavlov, Stefan Avramov, Bozhin Prodo, Kuse Deliavanov, Georgi Bakalov, Mich. Girgikov and others. The basic conception and purpose of the newspaper is expressed in the extensive settlement (A. Popov) with the Egypt: “The fight in which the Macedonian people are an idea. – Goce Testament: Free and independent Macedonia! “Because the Bulgarian censorship did not allow printing, the correction sample saved M. Zafirovski and is located in the NUB “St. Kliment Ohridski “in Skopje. The third and most important phase of the MLK covers the period when part of the membership of the Macedonian literary-publicic “nation and culture” in October 1938. (At the House of Asen Shurov) and programmatically renew the MLK. At this first meeting, Nikola Vaptsarov, Anton Popov, Mikhail Smilkacalev, Kiril Nikolov, Gjorgji Abadziev, Ivan Kereziev, Anton Verynik, Todor Janev, Asen Shurov (Todro), Georgi Dezilov and Vasil Aleksandrov. Then, in a regular election procedure, Mitko Zafirovski was received, and Venko Markovski and Kole Nedelkovski were included. From next year, Kosta Veselinov actively participated in the circle, Dimitar Mitrev, Angel Dinev, Vasil Ivanovski, etc., and his appearances (as a guest), he had Todor Pavlov. Nikola Vaptsarov The founding meeting introduced a report for the purposes and tasks held Nikola Vaptsharov, in which among other things he said that “one generation of enthusiastic free and independent Macedonia” was performed, and that this is the “most important stage of the Macedonian issue in recent years.” “But – underlined him – if we sweat for his homeland, if there is a drop of Macedonian blood in us, if we remained sparkle from the mildly we involve part of the severity of a work and the fierce mercy of an epoch.” To build such a movement, he said, “I need art that reaches the lowlands and sprinkle a national thirst” that will create a “harmony between the political conception and art … for us, especially for the belly, is absolutely necessary to know the characters , customs, costumes, language and typical prevalence of some expressions, words and images. ” We need to “know the Macedonian history and the most history of our national revolutionary movement – Ilinden, Goce, Dame, Beats … We are Macedonians. And our work should be in the service of the Macedonian cause … “. Then, on the issuers of M. Smithacalev from the discussion of the Circles for the poetry “White Mugri” (1940) Nova and in the spirit of the introductory text, Vaptsarov wrote his famous song “Repter”. In 1939 The Statute of MLK is prepared. In his first article, “the circle is an independent, independent group of Macedonian poets and writers, united by the common goal of working to create Macedonian art literature.” And the tasks are added: “The circle affirms the created creativity of its members, organizes literary Readings, dinners, mornings, excursions, publish books, newspapers, magazines, collections, almanas and more “. In the Governing body of MLK participated N. Vaptsarov, A. Popov and M. Smatacalev. Working meetings were held once a week. They represented a literary laboratory for creating the creative path of Macedonian literary creators. Competitions were announced on a certain topic of Macedonian history and culture, and the writings were considered on pre-scheduled sessions. All members of the MLK except V. Markovski and K. Nedelkovski, wrote in the language of their education – in Bulgarian. Through the spoken choir “Goce Delcev” and excursions and literary readings have expanded the activity in the masses. Particularly fruitful was the meeting of the circle with Macedonian students from the Belgrade University came to Sofia on the occasion of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Sofia University (May 1939). And in order to affirm the Macedonian struggle internationally, they use the tour of the Moscow sports club “Spartak” in Sofia. In addition to collected maps, postcards from Macedonia and other materials, a bronzov medallion poured, on which one side there is a relief of the Macedonian flag with inscription (in Macedonian language): free independent Macedonia, and under it the map of ethnic Macedonia on which the Goce is written Devis: œ I understand the world just as a field for culturally overreacting Megó nations, while the reverse is built the dedication: Preventians Spartakists Macedonian Junits Prika Greet of young people from SS. 1940 Av-thick. Sofia. The indebted Vaptsarov, however, failed to give the materials to Moscow guests and the medallion is preserved in the remainder of F. Abadziev. Gorn patriotism, this time a joint photograph of members of the MLK with the guests Macedonians came from the Belgrade university, we should hang, slave in Sofia (1939) within the circle were created and published in Macedonian, the numerous poetry collections, poems and dream wreaths on the c . Markovski and the two poem of K. Nedelkovski. Here it was discussed about all poetic and prose creations of members, for the collection of N. Vaptsarov, for Racini “White Mugri” and the Misirk’s book “For the Macedonian Works”. Anthology of contemporary Macedonian poetry “from, storm above birth” to, weird is Macedonia. “” In the anthology, the poetry of an angel rod “Storm above birth” (1935) with selected works were represented by the modern Macedonian poets A. Jovenus, K. Racin, V. Markovi, K. Nedelkovski and N. Vaptsarov. The book has not been published, but the multiplier significant preliminary text by A. Popov is preserved. The MLK circles were considered as a continuation of the Petersburg Mount. The letter of K is testified. Nedelkovski that from the name of the circle of 18. ⅴ 1940. He wrote him to the son of K. Misirkov Dr Sergey The Eisrunction of the letter from Kole Nedelkovski to the son of Krste Misirkov Dr. Sergei Misirkov Cov, which at that time worked in gr. Elena. After the group was grouped by his mother. M. Misirkova and received the manuscripts and the book by Misirkov’s Honor, have found his articles published in c. “Peace”. They prescribed the book “For the Macedonian Works” and a meeting in the circle they reviewed and concluded that they should reprint it in the Vardar part of Macedonia. In the extensive letter, Nedelkovski tells him that they met with “part of the life of the real Macedonian” and says: “Vicle of Immortal-Krste Misirkov from Macedonian K. Misirkov blamed only now over his darling homeland and she has been tortured by the fighting and the burning of several nations, which did not hurt anything from each other, swung from others, but she did not give anyone, and You stayed with his color Macedonian, and now, raised culturally and economically, he takes his greatest voice, embraces the holy name and his power holds him and blows him as a beacon to the ultimate corners of her width … so we, Prokuins, wherever we are out of the expensive our homeland, we feel strangers and therefore we did not remain deaf of the work and the idea of your unforgettable father, Ami hugging that work to build it with the price of the dear. And so, far from the homeland, we united in one Macedonian literary comrades, whose name I dared to ask you to get out of the eve to get to know us more detail with the life and activity of your late father (biography) so that we can be able to be a great fighter Substitute to
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet