Karato-Tsami, Dimitar (Neurs, 1798 – Belgrade, 1861) – Participant in the Negotive Uprising in Macedonia (1822), and after his suffocation in the Greek uprising. He was Colonel in the Greek army and an adjutant of the Greek king Oton. He organized the uprising of Halkidik (1854), southern Macedonia, and signed as “Chief Head of Macedonia”. He participated in the fight for the liberation and unification of Italy. During 1860 He tried to organize a new uprising in Macedonia in the Thessaloniki region. Lit: Tsonsitantos Papaulidis, Ljelijess elements Noveouge Concernant Les Plans INSURERERSONS DE TSES CUTAUSSO SUR LA SLEVERANCE PEPOTES Baljanes Baljanes Baljanjanjies Ann 1860-Agricult-Serbian Caperate 1830-1908, Belgrade, 1982. D. Job. Macedonian representation of the European Championship (Seniori) in Karate
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КАРАТАШО-ЦАМИ, Димитар