Camhi, Rafael Moshe (Bitola, 15. 1870 – Jerusalem, 1970) – Revolutionary, participant in the Ilinden Uprising. He was a member of TMORO, a close associate of Goce Delchev, Damjan Gruev, Gjorce Petrov, etc. He actively participated in the Congress of TMORO (1896), involved in the plunge of Miss Stone. In the Ilinden uprising he participated under the pseudonym “Skender Beg”. Before the Second World War in Thessaloniki was a tutor of the Bitola Synagogue “El Khal de Los Monastirlis”. In early March 1943 He moved to Sofia, and hence it moved to Israel (1948). In Tel Aviv, he experienced his own birthday. Lit.: Gorgi Tsolev Dimovski, Bitola Jews, Bitola, 1993; Mark Tshen, Last Cerythes of the Sepharitz Tsummonites. Tez Yez OP Monastir 1839-1943, Nanj Strak, 2003. J. NAM.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КАМХИ, Рафаел Моше