Ivanoski, ORDE (Prilep, 6. 1928) – Important, participant in the National Liberation (1944). Primary and pro-government education ended in Prilep, secondary in Zagreb, and Faculty of Philosophy (History Group) in Skopje (1955). The same year he was employed at the Institute for National History as an assistant in the Unit for the Middle Ages, to soon move to the Department of Workers and the Communist movement. PhD in Skopje (1965). He was elected in the title of Science Advisor (1974). Was the director of the Institute (1975-1978); Member and editor-in-chief of the Institute’s messenger, a member of the editorial office of “History” and Institute and Social Macro. There are over a dozen special editions and over eighty articles. He participated in several scientific gatherings and conferences. BIB.: 50 years Institute of National History, Skopje, 1998; Macedonian Slavs from ⅵ to IX century, Skopje, 1962; Macedonian Socialists and Ilinden Uprising, Skopje, 1968; Working communist movement in Macedonia, Skopje, 1970; The Balkan Socialists and the Macedonian question, Skopje, 1970; Red communes in Macedonia in 1920, Skopje, 1980; Working trade union movement in Macedonia until 1918, Skopje, 1981; Nikola Karev, Bitola, 1991; Dimo Hadzi Dimov – life and work, Skopje, 1995, etc. Al. TR. Ivanoski, Peter Milanov
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ИВАНОСКИ, Орде