Ilievski, Mitko Accounty

Ilievski, Mitko Aksentiev (village Blatec, Kocani, 27. ⅴ 1924 – Skopje, 24. 1993) – Dojen of the Macedonian philosophy. High school education started in Kocani, and graduated in Stip Gymnasium (1945). He managed with the Skyan organization at the High School in Kocani (1942-1944), which was concluded by the Bulgarian police. On August 20, 1944 entered a new one. He completed a senior economic course of the FNRJ government (1946-1947), and then was appointed Grade Minister of the Ministry of Communal Affairs of the People’s Republic of Macedonia (by October, 1948). Philosophy studies started at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade (1949), and continued at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, where he graduated (1952). After graduation, he works as a teacher at the Teacher School in Mitko Ilievski Bitola (1952-1954), and in the school year 1954/55. He was director of the gymnasium in Kocani. In 1955 He was elected as a logic assistant at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, where he received his PhD (1965) and worked until retirement (1987), acquiring all collaborative and teaching-scientific titles. Developed a rich theoretical and pedagogical activity. He taught: logic, basics of materialistic philosophy, dialectical logic, materialistic dialectics, theory of knowledge, methodology. The basic philosophical conception is an anthropological-humanistic variant of the Marxist philosophy in which a key philosophical category is “Praxis”. He was a member of the editorial board of the Yugoslav magazine “Pražis”. He published a number of studies, articles and critical reviews in domestic and foreign magazines in the domain of fundamental Gnosologological philosophical issues, pedagogical, political and social practice. Translated in Macedonian language Several capital philosophical works, including “materialism and empirric criterism” (V. Lenin), “Dialectics of Nature” (F. Engels), “Learning for Being” (Hegel, “Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences”) etc. BIB.: Idealism and materialism, 1961; Basics of Marxist philosophy, 1975, (co-author); Logic, 1976, (co-author); Marxism and self-management, 1977, (co-author); Definition, 2001, (posthumous amount.), Etc. Lit.: S. Simonovska, Mitko Ilievski – Philosophical profile, Skopje, 1995. V. Panz. Nanche Ilievski.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ИЛИЕВСКИ, Митко Аксентиев

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