St. Kuzman and Damjan – Christian Orthodox holidays in honor of the Holy Kuzman and Damian, in the people famous as holy doctors (14/1 ⅵ and 14/1 ⅺ). They are called herself or intiment, because they have been treating the poor sick for free. On the icon, the saints, Kuzman and Damjan are presented together, with crosses in his hands or with a cure card and with a spoch that gave the sick for free. The autumn holiday is more celebrated and is associated with domestic services. In the National Jesy-icon “St. Kuzman and St. Damjan, “Ohrid (ⅹⅴⅰ c.) Deal with folk medicine, treat with herbs, bath etc. Lit.: Marko Kitevski, Macedonian holidays, Skopje, 2001. M. Keith. “Saint Leontius” & monastery complex churches in the village. Vodoča (Strumica). The battle basilica was built on parts of the foundations of the oldest object built in ⅶ-ⅸ c. In ⅹ c., At the time of the reign of Tsar Samuel, part of the public basilica was restored. The Western Dome Church dedicated to the Virgin Eleusa – Introduction was built in the period 1018 – 1037. The middle dome church was built towards the end of the ⅺ and the beginning of ⅹⅰⅰ c. In ⅹⅰⅰ c. To the western dome church, the southern chapel was built, and in ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ c. The southern Western Western was built towards the middle cupoly church. In ⅹⅰⅰ-ⅹⅳ c. The Western Annex was built towards the Western dome church, and in ⅹⅳ-ⅹⅴ c. The older Northeast Annex was built or renewed. It is considered that then the open porch on the south side of the complex temples was built. The objects that make up the monastery complex of the time when the first object was built, as well as those built later, were frescoed, but only a small part of them is preserved. The most significant are the representations of the two deacons: St. Isurmare and St. EPTRIS, for which on the basis of stylistic characteristics it is assumed that they originate from ⅺ c., With analogies of the fresco painting of “St. Sofia “in Ohrid. The complex temples is completely conserved and restored. Lit.: P. Miljkovic-ash, Vodoča, Skopje, 1975. K. B.
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