Gusuanov, Dimitar Atanasov (village Krusevo, Demirhisar, Aegean part of Macedonia, 1876 – p. Banica, Sisco, 4 ⅴ 1903) – Tomoro teacher and Deoro. He finished the pedagogical school in Sir and spiritual seminary in Samokov, after which he was a teacher in the village. Starbeans (neurocopic). Later he finished right in Lausanne (Switzerland) and was a professor at the pedagogical school and the first director of the high school in Sir. First he approached the company of Mikhail Chakov, a while Dimitar Guthishnov was an inspector of the Serar Revolutionary District of TMORO, and then as the Drama Duke of TMORO (from the beginning of 1903) he participated in the demolition of the R. Anguste and counseling in the village. Karachor (Beginning February 1903), with whom managed Mr. Delchev. From here Mr. Delchev left for Thessaloniki at a meeting with Dame Gruev, and on return to the village. The Banica joined the D. Guszhanov, who together were killed in the fight against the Ottoman army. The villagers buried each other in the same grave of the Polyden under a big cloud tree. Lit.: John Pavlovski, a firearm, memories of Lika Copova, Skopje, 1978, 139; Dr. Simo Mladenovski, the revolutionary Russia Delcheva (1868-1945). Following the memories of Lika Copova, Skopje, 1983, 121. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГУШТАНОВ, Димитар Атанасов