Greek language – Indo-European language from the Balkan type, developed by the language of Indo-European tribes, settled at the end of 3 millennium BC. And the language of the harvested oldkal and Mediterranean population. After deciphering the linearm (Mikes) letter development of GJ. It can be monitored on written sources over a period of 3,500 years. The Greek cultural and linguistic impact has penetrated in the central and northern part of the Balkans since the Mycenaean, so with our time. The Slavs in Macedonia came into contact with Greek-Byzantine culture. The first Slavic script and literary norms (according to cramp. Templates) are related to Thessaloniki. In IX c. Thessaloniki served as a bridge between the Greek-Byzantine and the Slavic world. Through Thessaloniki, another strong cultural movement from epoic importance for the southern Slavs in ⅹⅴⅰ c., Inspired by the ideas of the Damascene Study on the use of the spoken language in the church and literacy. P. HR. Il.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГРЧКИ ЈАЗИК

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