Assimilation of the Macedonians in the geographical framework of Macedonia

Assimilation of Macedonians in the geographical framework of Macedonia. – a process in which a certain ethnicity, part of it or separate members, with harsh or subtle methods, forced the Macedonians to deny their own identity and accept the identity of the dominant ethnicity. The process of assimilation in XX c., In the geographical framework of Macedonia, it is roughly intensified after the Balkan wars (1912-1913), after the destruction of its territory of three parts, with the Versailles Treaty (1919). This process begins with renaming the territories of the three parts: the Aegean part has been renamed “Northern Greece”, Vardar in “South Serbia”, and the Pirin part became an integral part of Bulgaria, with the lack of the word “Macedonia”. Change and toponyms occurred, although with the Versailles Agreement, Greece was obliged not to change them. Greece did it with a separate law (1924). In addition, personal names and surnames of the Macedonians have been renamed. After the Civil War in Greece (1946-1949), the process of assimilation of the Macedonians is further accelerated, not only through their eviction in other countries, but also by concluding ethnically mixed marriages, thus the Greek language status of mother tongue for young generations. The assimilation has expanded with the prohibition of Macedonian generations to study in Macedonian language, adopted by the institutions of the education system. Macedonians in Greece are prohibited from marking Ilinden holidays and practicing family celebrations and customs. In Bulgaria, the assimilation process was progressed faster because of the familiarity of the Macedonian and Bulgarian language, since young generations with Macedonian ethnic origin are studying in Bulgarian (except in the period 1946-1948). And today, the pressure from the Bulgarian authorities continues on the Macedonians to deny the right of Macedonian identity and form their own political party. Assimilation in Greece and Bulgaria is being implemented by persecuting those Macedonians who publicly express their Macedonian identity, by banning the use of the Macedonian language in the institutions, as well as the destruction of other features of the Macedonian ethnic identity. The process of assimilation of the Macedonian population in Albania is special. In the period of Ottoman rule, it was done through pressure for expulsion, but also for leaving the native hearth. After the Second World War, there was a change of toponym, but in the period to the IB resolution there was Macedonian schools in Macedonian language, which were then witnessed only for the Christian population in Lower Prespa. Macedonians with Islamic religion are administratively registered as Albanians, with schools in Albanian language. During the NOB, the Macedonians in the Vardar part formed its own state within the DFJ / FNRJ / SFRY, according to the principle of the nation – a state, which stopped the process of assimilation in this part of the territory of Macedonia. Lit.: Stoyan acidovski, minorities in the Balkans, Skopje, 2004. Five. D. Mujahit Asimov

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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