Dragle, Elena (? – 1450) – Byzantine Empress, Constantine daughter Dragash, the younger son of Dejan’s despot. It was married (1392) for the Byzantine Emperor Manuil ⅱ Paleologist (1391-1425). On the monastery “Dionysius”, Mount Athos gave him a golden cross with an inscription in Greek language in which he is named as “Daughter of Dragago”. Mother is the last Byzantine emperor Konstantin Xi Paleologist (1449-1453), which was called Konstantin Dragash after her. He died as a nun butmon. Lit.: V. Moshin, Cross Candarice Yelene, Kêeri Kneza Dragsha, “Artistic Review”, 5, 1938; D. Anastasijee, Yina Byzantine Empress Srpsky, “Brotherhood,” 30, 1939; Idem., Josh Jennings of Load Champions Jelene Drawen, “Brotherhood,” 1940. K. Ag.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДРАГАШ, Елена