Grchev, Dimitar (Thessaloniki, 26. IX 1917 – Skopje, 15. ⅴ 2006) – EL. Ing., order. Prof. Head of Dimitar Grchev Department of ETF’s ERTP in Skopje. Vice-Dean of TF in Skopje, the first Dean of EMF and Prooverector of the University “Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje. One of the founders of the EE studies in the Republic of Macedonia. Head and co-author of several studies on the problems of the EPS of the Republic of Macedonia. Designer of the electrical or electrical part of the TC “Madzari” and the more HC (“Vatica”, “Vrken”, “Vrutok”, “Globocica”, Dosnica, “” Mockot “,” Pesochani “,” Raven “,” Sapuncica ” , “Selce”, “Tearce”, “Spilje”). Lit: 25 years of studies in electrical engineering at the University “Cyril and Methodius”, Electrical Engineering – Skopje, 1984. Dr. R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГРЧЕВ, Димитар