Gradiste, Debreste. A complex locality (settlement and necropolises) that was excavated thirty years (B. Babic). The site is located 1 km of Is-exactly from the village of Debrest, and 25 km northwest of Prilep, near the road Prilep – Kicevo. More striatoms of life earrings from the site Gradiste, p. Debreste from prehistory through Hellenism, Roman times and late antiquity (with a strong Castel confirmed by stages of ⅲ, ⅳ and ⅵ c.). Apart from the fortress of ⅵ c., One basilica is also known. Debreste, named with such a root, meets in the sources since XI c. (1020), when it occurs within the Bishop of Pelagonia. In 1343 Dushan here is contributed to a chryshoulula. In Turkish documents from 1467/1468. 116 houses are mentioned in Debrest. In the northwest of the ancient fortress, a single-nave church with graves was unearthed, and necropolises of XI and ⅻ-ⅹⅰⅰⅰ c. Litt.: B. Babic – M. Mandic, Gradiste, Castel and medieval necropolis, “AP”, 26, Lyubljanna, 1986, 143-144. El. M.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГРАДИШТЕ, Дебреште