Hellenism (GERM. Helenismus, a term of historian Mr. Drais. Marks a great historical epoch in the civilization sense of the ancient peoples of Europe, Asia and Africa. It is called Alexandrism, according to her creator Macedonian king Alexander ⅲ (336-323, e.g.). Starts with his rule and conquest in the east; Asia Minor, Egypt, Central Asia S “to India. The holders of this civilization are educated people: scientists, thinkers, philosophers, which are inhabited in the administrative, economic and cultural centers: Alexandria, Antioch, Pergam, etc. Cities of the monarchies formed by the heirs of Aleksandar Macedonian – Diados. Their collapse with Roman conquests (30 years. Ex. HE) marks the end of this epoch. In a cultural sense, the spatial and timeline of Hellenism is even greater, with great influence in the West (through Rome) to Spain and lasts until the end of antiquity, and in the East – in Byzantium renewed with Italian humanism from ⅹⅳ to ⅹⅴⅰ c. Lit.: Dictionary Knezhenh Termina, Belgrade, 1992. A. Shook.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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