Germov-Shakir, Krste (Prilep, 1875/6 – Skopje, 1962) – Dian of TMORO, Mariovski Duke and a folk hero. He acted in Mariovo, on PL. Nijah and Kajmakcalan. Together with Tale Pasha, liquidated several Ottoman Zulumzers in Mariovo. He took part in the Ilinden Uprising (1903). The Ottoman authorities condemned it to 101 years. Robbia. He also participated in the Balkan Wars (1912-1913), and then emigrated to Bulgaria. After the liberation, he returned to Macedonia (1944) and was elected as a People’s MP. He died in a deep old age. He tried in poetry, wrote about 50 songs on historical themes (for Nikola Karandov, Jordan Gavaz, etc.), who often sang or recited them. His character is presented in the novel by Stale Popov “Shakir Duke”, and is Open and in several Macedonian folk songs. Exhibition: Krste Germ-Shakir, memories, manuscript in Aoyin-Skopje. Lit.: Atanas Tasevski, the convicted of 101 years. New knowledge about Krste Germskir, “Vecer”, ⅹⅴ, 4392, Skopje, 6. ⅷ 1977, 7. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГЕРМОВ-шАќИР, Крсте