Gerdjkov, Michael (Michel) Ivanov (Plovdiv, 26. 1877 – Sofia, 18. 1947) – Teacher, anarchist and revolutionary Dian and Duke of TMORO (from Bulgarian nationality). As a law student in Geneva he formed the so-called. Geneva group with anarchist ideas and Macedonian secret revolutionary committee. As a teacher in the Bitola high school, under the name Todor Lukanov, was arrested (1899) and then went to Thessaloniki and became a member of TMORO (1900). For some time he was a fighter in the team of Hristo Chernopeev, and then (1901) Duke of Chief in Thessaloniki, Kukushko, Strumica and Dehransan. He later acted in Odrinski, where he was a member of the main body of the uprising (1903). In the Balkan Wars (1912-1913) he participated in the head of a volunteer detachment, and after the First World War (1914-1918) he supported the activities of the Service Group. He was a signatory of the appeal to the Macedonian population and emigration in Bulgaria (9. 1919), and then participated in the formation of the provisional representative office of the United FMRO. After the stay in emigration (1924-1931), he supported the creation of VMRO (OB) and became its member (1925), but then stopped at the head of the remarks (1928-1929). He demonstrated a rich publicist activity (1909-1944). It was a consistent anti-fascist and supported the Bulgarian People’s Front. He left his rich memoir. Lit.: The incentives of the Macedonian work, Prague, 1926; N. Spirov, Mikhail Ger-Jikov, “Bilgari”, t. 4, by-Faj, 1971; John Pavlovski, a firearm. Memories of Lika Chopova, Skopje, 1978, 138; Bulgarians – Councils of Goce Delchev. The granddaughter of Goce Delchev, Baba Lika Copova-Jurukova tells about the direct participation of many Bulgarians in the Macedonian revolutionary movement, “Goce Days – a song for Goce 1981”, ⅶ, 7, Skopje, 7. ⅱ 1981, 16; Dr. Simo Mladenovski, the revolutionary Russia Delcheva (18681945). Following the memories of Lika Copova, Skopje, 1983. S. Ml. Nada Gesoska
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГЕРЏИКОВ, Михаил