The Geological Institute of the SRM – institution established as a geological office with a decision of the Presidium of ASNOM (15th ⅻ 1944). Then the Geological Institute was established with the main activity: preparation of geological maps, the Is-trading of mineral resources and their preparation for exploitation. In 1950 It is registered as the Institute for Geological Research of the NRM and from 1962 is the building of the Geolosptic Office in Skopje recognized the status of a scientific institution. Later, as a geological Institute of SRM, it was expanded with an operating for drilling, consolidation and mining. So expanded, the Geological Institute has become the main institution for geological-mining research in Macedonia. Among the most significant realized projects are: The development of the basic geological map of SFRY 1: 100.000 for Macedonia; Detection of lead-zinc ores for opening Sasa and Toranica mines and expansion of Zletovo, copper-golden ores (Bucim), iron ores (Damjan, Timiste, Demir Hisar, Pehcevo), participation in the construction of artificial water accumulations (Spilje, Globocica, drivers, Kalimanci, etc.). With social changes in Macedonia, the Geological Institute is disbanded (1991-92) and no longer exists as such an institution. N. Dum.
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