Nestorovski, Ivan (village Tresonce, Debar, 17. 1921 – Skopje, 17. ⅱ 1976) – Full professor at the Geographic Faculty – Skopje. He graduated and PhD in geology at the Mining-Geology Faculty in Belgrade. In addition to the pedagogical activity of the Faculty, where he held teaching in general geology and petrography, he was one of the pioneers of the Macedonian geology and very active in the scientific and research activity in the field of regional geology. He took part in the preparation of the basic geological map of SFRY 1: 100.000 (for the leaves Ohrid, Krusevo, Gostivar), and several projects in this area also realized. BIB.: I. Nestorovski, geological composition and tectonic assembly of the terrain of the Suva Gora-Osoj-Group-Valley of Fever, “Papers of the Geological Institute of SRM”, St. 10, Skopje, 1963. Lit.: “Annual Goal of Geogr. Falk. “, Rh. 24, Skopje. N. Dum. Koo Netkov
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис НЕСТОРОВСКИ, Иван