Dranegov, Boris

Drankov, Boris (Skopje, 3. ⅲ 1872 – R. Crna Reka, 26. ⅴ 1917) – a participant in the Ilinden Uprising, Colonel in the Bulgarian army. He studied at the Pedagogical School in Skopje, then at the Military School in Sofia. Graduated from the Staff Academy in St. Peter Burg (Russia). He was a professor at the Military School in Sofia (1910). The Balkan Wars participated as an officer of the Bulgarian army. In the First World War he was commander of the 5th Macedonian Infantry Regiment, after the occupation chief of the Spare Officers School in Skopje. He died in r. Black, near Gradsko (1917) and buried in Skopje. Works with military themes. Lit.: Boris Dangov. Sofils, Sofia, 1993. Z. Todd.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДРАНГОВ, Борис

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