Dragojevic-Josifovska, Borka (village Gornja Srbica, BiH, 1910 – Skopje, 2003) – Classic philologist. She graduated classical philology and archeology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade (1934). It works as a curator at the Archaeological Museum in Skopje (1948 -1958), and then as a Latin language professor at the Department of Classical Philology (until 1976). In 1956, it was edited by the Lapidarium in Kursumli-An. It was researching several localities: Isar – Marvinci, Dracevo, Zivojo, Stobi, Skupi, etc. He is a member of the board for issuing ancient inscriptions from Yugoslavia and Tabula empires novels. BIB.: Stobi – a guide through Stobi, Skopje, 1953; Guide through Lapidarium, Skopje, 1961; Insperptyion de la Messe Superiur, Wal. Ⅵ (strippers ET La Region de Kumanovo), Belgrade, 1982. D. Z.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДРАГОЕВИЌ-ЈОСИФОВСКА, Борка