Dojcinov, Ivan Hristov (Dimce Spaniard) (Gevgelija, 11. 1909 – Skopje, 29. ⅰ 1991) – Metal worker, International Communist Deigh, Spanish Fighter and military commander in NOVM. After the First World War, he emigrated to Argentina and became a member of the CPA (from 1932), a member of the Secretariat of the CPA in Buenos Aryri, a member of the Antimperialist League of Argentina, but also an associate of the Macedonian organizations and the newspaper “Macedonian Voice”. Two-sequence of Argentine prisons for years. As a volunteer in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), he was a member of the KPS, he finished the war as a captain. Following the stay in concentration camps in France, he joined the National Libration as a PC instructor in Macedonia, in Gevgelija (1941) and as a member of the Military Commission of MK in Gevgelija (1941), a member of the provincial military headquarters (1941), commander Is the Mavrovo-Kicevo NOOO (May 1943), the commander of the first operational zone of New and Pom, member is also deputy commander of the GS of New and Pom, deputy commander of the third Macedonian Nawb, Division and Corps. He was a participant in the first and second session of ASNOM. After the liberation, he finished the Military Academy “Frunze” in Moscow, and after returning (1948) in Qin Lieutenant Colonel was commander of the Valev military district and the chief of the operational department of the Fifth Army area. He accepted the resolution of the Informbiro, was arrested (late 1950) and sentenced to 9 years of strict imprisonment and 3-year limited rights (1 Xi 1951). He served her sentence in CPA Piles (March 1952 – 1954), on Goli Otok and the criminal prison in Belgrade, and then pardoned and released (1956). With difficulty, he was employed in the Metal Institute in Skopje, but was suspected and was arrested (June 1958), and after six months released as innocent and emigrated to Bovi-Ivan Dojcinov (right). Later, he returned to Skopje. The holder is a partisan monument 1941. Bib.: Madrid is defended. In the heart of Spain, Skopje, 1975, 119-127; The contribution of Yugoslav emigration to Argentina, in the same place, 113-118; Children without tears, the same. place, 135-139; Defense Madrida, Spain 1936-1939, Kneiga Another, Belgrade, 1971, 148-156; Dopronios Yugoslavske emigration U Argentine, the same. Place, Kneiga Heel, 362-367. Lit.: Pero Korobar, Bozo Stefanovski, in the international brigades of Spain, Proceedings, Skopje, 1989; Dimche most beautiful, personalities and destinies, collection of golotic testimonies, book second, Skopje, 2002, 76-84; Blaze Ristovski, the Macedonian verse 1900-1944. Research and materials ⅱ, Skopje 1980, 299-300 S. Ml. Dojcinov Morava, Todor
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДОЈЧИНОВ, Иван Христов