DEMA, Hamdi (village of Omashi, Peshkopia, Albania,? – West Macedonia, 1945) – a supporter of the Albanian king Zogu. He was in the service of the Albanian quisling power and the Italian occupiers in Macedonia (1941-1943). As a captain of Albanian militia in occupied Kicevo (since 1942), he established a National Albanian Committee, who collaborated with NOVM (29. ⅵ 1943). Soon he asked to join NOVM with many of his militia (July 1943), and he was appointed commander of the first operational zone of New and Pom (13. ⅷ 1943) and then a member of the GS of New and Pom (September 1943 ). He was delegated for MP from Debar (7. 1944) at the first session of ASNOM. After the liberation, he was suspected of counterintelligence activities, which was convicted and in an attempt to escape – killed. Exhibition: Sources for the Liberation War and Revolution in Macedonia, Tom and, Book Third, Skopje, November 1970, 342 and 345; Kicevo and Kichevo in New 1941-1945, documents, Kicevo, 1985, 127, 136, 141, 156, 207, 208, 575, 576; Documents for Military Organization in Macedonia 1941-1945. Provincial and Main Headquarters of Macedonia 1941-1943. Tom 1, KN. 1, Skopje, 2001, 148, 199, 212, 224 and 231. S. Ml. Demetrius ⅰ polyorate, coin, averse / revers
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДЕМА, Хамди