Delchev, Nicholas, (Koljo) (Kukush, 1844 – Gorno Jumaja, 1920) – The father of Goce Delchev, from the guild city family. Bill Moeand, traded grain and goods (sheep), owned a country in the surroundings of Kukush, produced his own wine and brandy, had several hundred sheep and his own mandra and pastram. He was active in Kukush’s social life. Married with Sultana from the village. Murarchi (Kukushko), had 5 daughters: Russia, Tina, Lika and Elena, and 4 Blue: Goce (Georgi), Mico (Dimitar), Milan and Hristo. After the Balkan Wars he emigrated to Upper Jumaja (Bulgaria) and there died. Lit.: Hristo Andonov-Polyan, Goce Delchev and his time, 1-6, Skopje, 1972. V. F. Hristo Delchev
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДЕЛЧЕВ, Никола,