
David (? – 976) – Komitopull, the oldest son of the Commit Nicholas. With younger brothers (Moses, Aaron and Samuel) rebelled against the Bulgarian (969) and Byzantine government (976), after which they ruled independently. He had the supreme power. Soon he was unfortunate killed by Vlachs Stockers in the locality of beautiful oak, between Kostur and Prespa. Samuil mentions in the epitaph (992/993). Lit.: J. Ivanov, Bulgarian Anky of Macedonia. Phototypic edition, Sofia, 1970, 23-25; S. Pirivivatist, Samuil’s Diverva, Fat and Hardter, Sofia, 2000. B. Petr. Kiro Davidovski

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДАВИД

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