Chekkovska, Vera (Skopje, 16. 1954) – Physical and Seismologist, Doctor of Physical Sciences, Poet and Esexist. Primary school and gymnasium ended in Kavadarci (1973), and then graduated from applied physics at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Skopje (1979) and a master degree in physics on the country of the country of the Geophysical Office “Andrija Mohomovic” at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University In Zagreb on the topic “Subject Method and Models Fatles The Jigsman Tectonigg. METHOD METHODED MECHANISH WORKS KEEDS – RASESEDED “(1990). He received physician on physical sciences at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Skopje on the topic “Applying the seismic moment in the research of earthquake hot spots in the Republic of Macedonia” (2005). He is employed in the Seismological Observatory at the same faculty (since 1980). She was a member of the Education of the SP. “Stivor” (1998-2000 and 2002-2004) and “Review of the Macedonian PEN. Center “(1996-2000, and since December 2006 and current editor-in-chief). Translates from English. Secretary is the Macedonian PEN. Center (since December 2006). He is the author of five collections of poetry and many scientific, professional and scientifically popular papers. BIB.: Poetry-Man and door, Skopje, 1975; Multiplication of the Word, Skopje, 1986; Explain, Skopje, 1992; The absence of mild, Skopje 1993; Edges, Skopje, 2007; Lesimi and Dritch, Cup, 2000 (Selection of Albanian): The absence of mild ⅱ, Bitola, 2008 (selection). S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЧЕЈКОВСКА, Вера