Bucko Bakhus, Dionysus. – Divine that is related to the cult for terracotta: satiri and bice in the game Immortality of the soul and reincarnation; In ancient Macedonians, this deity of vegetation is called: Buck, Sabasios, Savadios (Dionysus’ companions, in Macedonia called Sabbai); This deity is called Bassareus, which would mean “dressed in fox.” The cult of the Bucko has a ritual character (Agrios, Ertslaptos). In Macedonia, the cult and rituals have an orgian character: Manic dances of the follows of the Bucko – Bakhids and the Cams (bonnouncing of the Bakhids is Authahia, Authchria, Adriah – Macedonian Glossa, is associated with Tia, which with Zembers has the son of Macedon). According to Plutarch, the Bakhids in Macedonia from the oldest times are called clodes and mymalons; The mother of Alexander the Great, Olympiad participates in their festivities. The Bakkhai drama, which Euripide writes on the yard of the Macedonian king Archelaus and, is committed to this Macedonian cult. In Alexandria Ptolemaj Philadelph organizes holy processions in which mimalons armed with a sword (Macedonian tradition, which exists since ⅶ c. Of PC). Stobby’s wandering tile represented by the god Djuals / Dionysos with Tears in the right and grunger in his left hand, accompanied by semiboles – Daemynes and a female deity; The Vitative Stella of 215 In Melnik Dionysus with the autochthonous Tonym Asdowles is shown with vines, as riding a horse accompanied by Pan and strong, who follows the Panther. Lit.: Plutorzch, Alejander, Harvard Universitis Press, 1959; D. Tyjhians, A. Cermen, Glossary Dictionary and Rimske mythology, Belgrade, 1979; R. Bart, hood, mythology, semiology, Belgrade, 1979; A. FOL, Dionysus, Sophie®. A. Shook.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БАКХОС Бахус, Дионис