Braulford, Henry Noel

Braulford, Henry Noel (H. Professor and expert on the Balkans. After the completion of higher education in Glasgow, some time teaches at the College of Queen Margarita in Glasgow, but leaves the university career and becomes a journalist and a political commentator. A volunteer in the Philhehelen Legion is fighting in the Greek-Turkish war (1897), which gives him a motive for the only novel “The broom of the God of war” (1898). Of 1899 comes to London as a journalist at c. “Morning leader” becomes the leading commentator of c. “Daily News” and an associate of “Star” and “Nishhan”. After the Ilinden uprising, as a secretary of the auxiliary committee of the Balkan Committee in London, he stops at the head of the five-month English humanitarian mission in the Bitola Vilaya in Macedonia (1903-1904). Based on the collected facts and knowledge of the terrain, in addition to the report in c. “Manchester The Guardian” (25. 1904), publishes it in London and the documented extensive publication “Macedonia, its peoples and its future” (1906). As an expert on the Balkans, it is involved in the four members of the investigating subcommittee of the International Commission of the Carnegie Foundation for Research of the Causes and the consequences of the Balkan Wars (1912-1913) and the author of the three (from the seven) chapters of the published report of the Carnegie Balkan Commission ( 1914). She also participates in the poll of the Vienna “Balkan Federation” (1925-1929) of European intellectuals for condemning the division and situation in Macedonia. In 1950 It was a two-month guest of the Macedonian government and after returning the English and the international public with the truth about the cultural and national development of the Macedonian people in NRM in the FNRJ Rams. BIB.: MACEDONIA: ITS HACS AND TEREK FUTURE, LONDON, 1906; Report off TePhe International Tsmision. Inloviire Into Tezh Casuses and Condodz, the Balkan Nasar, 1914; Former Balkan Wars (1912-1913). Report of the Carnegie Balkan Commission, Skopje, 2002. Lit.: John Pavlovski, Time Past, Time present, Skopje, 2002, 311-329; Ivan Qatarziev, Henry Noel Braceliford and the liberation struggle of the Macedonian people, preface in the kn.: H. N. Braillusford, Macedonia. Its peoples and its future, Skopje, 2002, 11-43; Europe for Macedonia. Prominent European intellectuals for the Macedonian national question (1925-1929). Selection and Reduction Dr. Orde Ivanoski, Skopje, 1991. BL. R. Brackish

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БРЕЈЛСФОРД, Хенри Ноел

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