Botany in Macedonia

Botany in Macedonia. In Macedonia, the development of botany takes place late, individually and isolated in some of the available areas. The first written data with floral notes is from Ami Buy (Ami Boom) in his research La Turjoeus D’Europe (1840) and A. Grisbacch (A. Grisbac) with the labor specelegium Florue Romellee ET BSTHSKIN (1843). There are occasional, and then frequent research that gives a description and inventory of the local flora, revealing new species and subspecies, called according to the place of finding. All these research and written data are carried out by foreign ID-Sumper, outside the Balkans. At the beginning of ⅹⅹ c. The number of researchers from co-August Grishabach, the Botanics researcher in Macedonia, the countries are increased. The participation of Macedonian researchers begins in the second half of ⅹⅹ c. Studies are conditionally divided into two stages: the first in which the whole botanical activity is florient, complemented by other botanical surveys, started from the waist of ⅹⅰⅹ c. By the 50’s of ⅹⅹ c., and the second of 1950, so S “to date, with a wide range of botanical research. First stage. Due to the underdevelopment and uncertainty of communication links, the number of interested researchers is small. Moving after the Vardar basin, IS-traving the mountains and plains of Shar Planina to Mount Nidze. Research results are printed in the well-known work of A. Grisobah (1843). Significant E.S. Formanec (R. Formender), later revised by Mr. Wandas (Mr. Wandas, 1909). L. Adamovic (L. Adaman, 1909) from Croatia extends research in Serbia and Macedonia, setting grounds for vegetation observations, in addition to the floristic determination of new plants, vegetable covers, Mediterranean elements and plant formations, significant and for the present. J. Dorfler works on Alshar and Shar Planina. The first data for micro and the macrophytic flora of the lakes are from ST. Petkov (Bulgaria). J. Petrovic (Serbia) gives an overview of the flora of mountains Jakupica, Dautica, Korab and Bistra. In the First World War, a number of German and Bulgarian researchers botanized. J. Borermiller (J. Bornamuller) was published by the collected materials in 1925 and in 1928. T. HERZOG (TX. Hungarian Florist J. B. Kumbler (J. B. Kumler) in 1918 worked on the flora of Mount Korab. T. Nikolov and N. Stoyanov described the flora of the mountains in eastern and medium Macedonia. To the S “more numerous florists, phytogyographers and phytocenos, a significant role has N. Kosonan. In numerous papers (25) he thoroughly describes and explores the flora and vegetation of multiple mountains and determines new species of plants, and its findings are printed in scientific and professional journals. In its nine labor P. Cherñevski has described six new species of plants for the flora of the Ohrid valley. In the same way, T. Sosh provides an overview and description of the flora and vegetation. Ivo Horvat (Croatia) in its papers provides an overview of high-mountain vegetation, as well as the vegetable communities of rocks, sipstaries and forests. Similar issues processed Stijepan Horvatic (Croatia). These surveys are significant as a foundation for the development of phytocenology and for discovering new species. Of not less importance are the papers of I. Ruddan, K. Small, S. Jacovlevic and Hayek (I. RuddskS, K. ​​Mali, S. Jacovlevitz, Hazk), who have worked on the flora and the plantation of many localities in Macedonia over many years. The results of their botanization were printed as numerous publications in renowned European magazines (1840- 1950). Until 1900 More than 25 papers are printed. Second stage. With the establishment of the Botanical Institute of the Biological Institute of the Faculty of Philosophy, active botanical activities, managed by prof. Boris Kitanov. In its research practically processed the mountains in Central and Western Macedonia. The first Natural History Museum in Skopje Hundreds of Herbarki leaves with his signature on the accompanying label are the basis of the Herbarium of the Botanical Institute, legal in the period 1947-1948, which was supplemented by Herbar material from previous researchers, but also separately supplemented by the following generations of taxonomists who continues continuously. In 1949, Head of the Botanical Institute becomes prof. Dr. Rokko Vukovic, a recognized and famous cytologist. The training is expanded by cytology and anatomy. Introducing the teaching practical methods and preparations, sets grounds for a microscopic practicum, which enables research on the fine structure of the tissues and the cells of the cell. With the advent of prof. Dr Mihovil Gracanin (1955) introduces plant physiology and ecology. Appropriate laboratories with the necessary apparatus are opened to ensure adequate education. The library is equipped with the necessary literature. The best students are involved in the teaching process as laborers, demonstrators, and after graduation and selected for assistants. The first doctoral dissertations are also prepared, which are defended in 1958 and after 1960. After the election for envents, the first Macedonian doctors in biological sciences are taking place in the respective disciplines and creating conditions for creating new autochthonous cadres in botanical disciplines. A department of botanical disciplines of the Natural History Museum of Macedonia is opened in order to collect the Basick Fund of Macedonia. Similarly, the botanical department of the Hydrobiological Institute in OH-RID for the study of the macrophytic flora and vegetation, as well as the phytoplankton, which is a significant link in the intake of energy in this water ecosystem. The Agricultural and Forestry faculty develops the subject of Botany. Laboratories for teaching and research activity have been established and herbariums and manual botanical garden for the needs of the various agronomic guidelines are organized. The scientific readiness enabled the botanical staff to include in projects from agroecology, the Lozariovisal and the agricultural direction, as well as in forestry and pharmacy. Special activity in the preparation of personnel is the publishing activity. More high school and faculty textbooks have been issued, which modernize the teaching of the primary and applicative faculties. It is of great importance that the most “flora of the Republic of Macedonia”, as well as the processing of lowland, hilly, forest and high-mountain phytocenosis. In the botanical garden of the Botanical Office, autochthonous endemic plants are planted and seed and planting material is purchased. Rare endemic plants are grown on Pros-Tori corresponding to the Optical Garden of PMF, Skopje, native sites, and scientific projects in controlled catch are started. RAD. Gr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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